Original title: "Erregungen - Champagner für die Transfrau: Ein Tatsachenroman" (EXCITEMENT: Champagne for the Trans Woman - A Factual Novel) by Johanna Kamermans.
Johanna Kamermans was born in Vlissingen on the North Sea in the Netherlands. At the end of the 1960s, while being a civil engineer, she became a successful striptease dancer, then worked as a journalist and lived in many places: Hamburg, Berlin, Maastricht, and Arnhem.
I interviewed Johanna in 2014, and I asked her about her cabaret career: "I think that it must have been more than 80 cabarets in the course of my nearly 15 stage years. The best cabarets were, of course, those where I could come back (re-engagement) - and I had a lot of re-engagements.

In my time men (most cabaret visitors were men) were grateful and curious for good “entertainment”, on stage or in separee, for which they were willing to spend a lot of money. One of my favorite German cabarets was the Pigalle Cabaret in Mannheim with many well-paying guests of the big BASF-chemical factory in Ludwigshafen on the other Rhine side."
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Photo via The Heroines of My Life
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