Full title: "Trannydykewhore: An autobiography in Parts, also: anarchy, gender and theory-like stuff" by Sylvan.
"Transwomen don't talk enough, and when we do it's usually either from a position of powerlessness (usually preaching to the choir) or from a position of artificial power (tokenizingly headlining a speaking gig). I'm not knocking the amazing women who have stuck their necks out to be in the public eye, or minimizing the contributions of Kate Bornstein, Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore or Julia Serano. Not to mention the women. and queers who fought at stone wall, and the many who have died fighting for the right to exist.
I want another kind of narrative, and another kind of power... the kind that can only come from stories being told in brutal honesty, not speeches at a feel-good trans awareness ceremony or desperate whispers in the back of the feminist bookstore. I want tranwomen's stories to get read and recognized by the queer, feminist and radical communities, regardless of whether they fit or don't fit the dominant narratives of trans experience."
Available via azinelibrary.org
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