Original title: "Újjászületők: nemváltoztató élettörténetek" (Born again: Gender reassignment life stories) by Ferenc Vidra Szabó and Gábor Hero.
The book follows the stages of gender reassignment and contains a couple of life stories based on interviews conducted by Ferenc Vidra Szabó. The essence of these subjective stories, the psychological, medical and social summation of the topic processed in the chapter is outlined in the short introductions written by Gábor Hero, who leads the chapters. At the end of the volume, we can also read a compilation about the legal framework of gender reassignment.
The first chapter, Wayfinders, introduces three teenagers who have recently discovered the reason for their differences since they were little. An important lesson is that this discovery – and the search for the causes of previously experienced otherness or exclusion – is linked to sexual maturation. However, signs of different gender identity can appear as early as two years of age.