"Transsexualism is not a new phenomenon: male-to-female sex changes are mentioned in the literature of Ancient Greece and Rome. But only in the last forty years or so has medical science been able to achieve what those who feel they have been 'born into the wrong body regard as the only thing that will give them peace of mind, a full surgical sex change. In this investigation into the who, how and why of sex changes, Liz Hodgkinson tells the stories of some fascinating cases, some famous, others entirely unpublicized.
Gl George (later Christine) Jorgensen made headlines in the early fifties with his, the first fully documented operation to remove male sex organs and replace them with some approximation of female ones. Other household names include April Ashley, Jan Morris, Renée Richards and Adèle Anderson of Fascinating Aida' (the headlining cases have all been male-to-female changes: female-to-male subjects have normally shunned publicity, but some intriguing cases are here brought to light)."