"My name is Nina Gray. I am Trans Lesbian, though have only been out since 2015. I grew up in the Scottish Highlands, and have lived in Scotland all of my life. I have worked within various fields of social care for the past 26 years. My personal passions are music, film, comedy, art, and literature. More recently times I have begun to reengage with my love of creating abstract visual art.
I started writing this just under a year prior to my vaginoplasty operation. The period building up to this felt like a good time to take stock of and reflect over my life to date. This felt to be a very cathartic process to engage in and also helped me feel sure that the major steps I was about to take felt right. There are several elements I have decided to write about. Sections of anecdotes of happenings that stand out in my memory for varying reasons, largely due to my finding amusing or odd. Details and thoughts about my relatively smooth transitioning process, which I feel may help serve as a positive example for people at earlier stages of similar processes."