Original title: "Transgenerismos: Una Experiencia Transexual Desde La Perspectiva Antropologica" (Transgenderisms: A Transsexual Experience From An Anthropological Perspective).
Although there have probably always been transsexuals, transsexuality, as we know it today (i.e. with synthetic sex hormones and sex reassignment surgery), was born for the general public of our time with the spectacular return of Christine Jorgensen to America after her gender reassignment surgery in Denmark, in 1952. Norma Mejía was then 8 years old and the vague impression, which soon became a certainty, that the news affected her intimately.
With the passage of time, she has been in contact with transsexuality in several countries and from different points of view: from repression and from the acceptance of her own transsexuality, as a client of transsexual prostitutes and as a transsexual prostitute, as a lawyer for transsexuals and as a militant of a transsexual community, as a transsexual novelist and as a scholar of transsexuality from the anthropological view.