Original title: "Ciała obce. Opowieści o transpłciowości" (Foreign bodies. Stories about transgenderism) by Paula Szewczyk.
Life can't be limited to just being transgender. I'd rather hear the questions "How are you?" and "What's up?" that everyone else is asked.
For science, transgenderism is no longer a mystery, and for psychiatry, it is not a "disease." But in society, people who have realized that they were born in a body that does not match who they still remain incomprehensible and alien.
Paula Szewczyk's book allows us to understand them, to get so close to them that we begin to hear their confessions and dramas, although they are expressed in whispers. We hear Staś, who before he moved out of the house, led a double life - among his friends he was himself, for his parents he remained a "daughter". We hear Kornel struggling with anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts - a boy who was sent to a ward for young women in a psychiatric hospital. We hear Tim trying not only to settle down with the body that is bothering him, but also with the fate of the migrant. He came to Poland because it is even more difficult for people like him to live in his native Belarus.