Original title: "Blumen für ein Chamäleon: Erlebnisse eines transsexuellen Models" (Flowers for a Chameleon: Experiences of a Transsexual Model)
'Viktor wants nothing more than to be a girl, he knew that even as a small child. But the way there is rocky. The father: a career soldier obsessed with masculinity. The mother: a weak character. The only reliable support is the resolute Aunt Christa. She takes her under her wing, gives her an understanding home, gets her an apprenticeship as a hairdresser, and supports her when she is accidentally spotted by a photographer.
Even before Viktor's surgical transformation into Valeska, the young woman started an international career as a model - and at a time when transsexual models were still taboo, when dealing with their agencies, customers, and colleagues, they still had to hide their transgender status at all costs.