Original title: "Devenir trans: Relatos biográficos del tercer sexo en Popayán" (Trans Becoming: Biographical Accounts of the Third Sex in Popayán) by Yinna Ortiz Ordoñez.
Talking about females with penises seems more like a paradox than the experience of a series of people who experience corporalities and subjectivities on the frontiers of 'normality'. This book proposes a reflection on trans experiences, which is not situated in the reductionist rhetoric of trans as a linear and univocal change from man to woman or vice versa, but rather thinks about the tensions and paradoxes of much more complex, dynamic and unfinished processes in the ways of experiencing 'sex', gender and corporeality.
Through a biographical approach, the book presents a life story accompanied by other experiences that allow access to intimate and profound elements about these transitions, but also to structural factors of social and gender norms.
This book is an invitation to imagine in other ways, to denaturalize and disrupt the discourses that tie bodies to rigid ways of being and being in the world, but also to look sharply at the tensions posed by trans subjectivities.