A random collection of over 1910 books and audiobooks authored by or about my transgender, intersex sisters, and gender-nonconforming persons all over the world. I read some of them, and I was inspired by some of them. I met some of the authors and heroines, some of them are my best friends, and I had the pleasure and honor of interviewing some of them. If you know of any transgender biography that I have not covered yet, please let me know.

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Home » , , » Chelle Padraigin - Finally Chelle

Chelle Padraigin - Finally Chelle

Full title: "Finally Chelle: The Musings of an Average Transsexual Woman"

"This is a humorous yet poignant look at the unusual and sometimes difficult journey of an attractive 50-year-old transsexual woman through her own eyes. Written in a colloquial style as a collection of short chapters, it will move the reader to tears as he or she cheers Chelle through her many personal triumphs and challenges. 

This book uses both humor and heartbreaking stories to convey an atypical life journey in a way that will cause the reader to become thoroughly invested in what Chelle has experienced and observed. Chelle Padraigin transitioned to her true gender in a small, conservative town in Georgia. Amazingly her life barely changed and she continues as a Habitat for Humanity president, church pianist, and member of countless other boards and civic organizations."

In 2014, I interviewed Chelle and asked her about the book: "It never even occurred to me to write an autobiography but so many people told me that I should share my story that I eventually relented. I began by starting a blog at finallychelle.com. While I knew that my life was unusual I didn’t think that it rose to the level of “interesting.” Apparently, others disagreed, however, and my readers ultimately convinced me to write a book.

If there’s anything that people get out of my book I hope it’s that being transsexual shouldn’t define who you are. It might describe the route you took on your journey to womanhood but it shouldn’t form the basis of who you are and how you live your life. Most women come out of the womb with their vaginas - I came out of an operating room with mine. Other than that, there’s no real difference between me and any other woman. I live a pretty normal life in a small southern town.

I’m active in my church and my community, people call me for recipe advice (I love to cook), I bring a pot of homemade chicken soup to my friends and neighbors when they’re sick, and I like to travel with my spouse. The bottom line is that I live an extraordinarily average life. I don’t “feel” transsexual. In fact—I usually forget that I am unless something reminds me of the fact. It’s the most authentic way to live and I hope that every trans woman ends her journey in that same place."

Available via Amazon

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