"“Angels, Monks, and Hormones” tells the story of a young man considering taking vows and living the rest of his life tending sheep in a monastery because he thinks that, if he never sees another woman, it will cure him of his gender identity problem. During the common meal with the monks, a brother reads Jesus’ words about how everyone will be genderless in heaven, like the angels. “I think I’ll like it here,” says Kent. “I’ve always wanted to be an angel.”
When he learns that monastic life won’t make him whole, however, he must learn to live in the world, first as a man, later as a woman after undergoing hormone replacement therapy and sex reassignment surgery.
Before she transitions from male to female, Kent’s father tells her that she would have a tough row to hoe. Why? Because he saw a drag queen once on Jerry Springer, and the audience hooted and howled in laughter.
But here’s the thing. Everyone sees the flamboyant drag queens because they stand out. They work hard to stand out. They’re entertainers.
For most of transgender people, however, the “trans lifestyle” means going to church, working long hours, raising their kids to be responsible young people, and trying to balance their budgets. In other words, they’re just like you, except that they have a unique understanding of the different life experience of men and women, because, unlike you, they have lived both. Regardless of her gender, Kent remains a spiritual person seeking wisdom anywhere that she can find it—even from the sheep in a monastery atop a cold, windswept mountain in western New York."
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