Full title: "Ham og mig: født som dreng, genfødt som kvinde" (Him and me: born as a boy, reborn as a woman) by Maria Haaning.
At only 18 years old, Maria Haaning became the youngest Dane ever to undergo gender reassignment surgery to fulfill her lifelong dream of living in the body she should have been born in. The road to the operation was long and twice cost Maria her life. But today she lives as the woman she has felt she is all her life.
In the book, Maria gives an honest insight into what it is like to live as a freak and be an outcast of her school class, her family, and the society around her. At the same time, Mary gives her recipe for how to get through such a hell of self-hatred, beatings, degradation, and loneliness. Maria vividly tells how she herself literally put down her old self and began a new life as a new person – a person she has gone through fire and water to be transformed into.

That is also why I shared my story and myself on national television. I have been featured in almost all Danish magazines, the most recent one is actually an article in Femina where they name the 100 most inspiring and impressive women, and I am proud to say I am one of them."
Available via ereolen.dk
Photo via The Heroines of My Life
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