A random collection of over 1910 books and audiobooks authored by or about my transgender, intersex sisters, and gender-nonconforming persons all over the world. I read some of them, and I was inspired by some of them. I met some of the authors and heroines, some of them are my best friends, and I had the pleasure and honor of interviewing some of them. If you know of any transgender biography that I have not covered yet, please let me know.

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Home » , , » Camilla Vivian - Gender libera tutt*. Storie vere per amare...

Camilla Vivian - Gender libera tutt*. Storie vere per amare...

Original title: "Gender libera tutt*. Storie vere per amare, capire e fare la rivoluzione" (Gender frees all. True stories to love, understand and make the revolution) by Camilla Vivian.

"My fight for transgender rights started with a pink t-shirt with a unicorn: my daughter wanted to wear it and I just didn't understand why a male couldn't do it. Trying to defend this right made me start studying and understanding what gender identity really is. But the thing that helped me the most on this trip was meeting so many transgender people, of all ages and nationalities. Each with their own history and peculiarities just like anyone: people, however, who live in a society that not only does not foresee them, but that to date still seems to have no intention of accepting them. Just think of the endless discussions for the inclusion of the expression "gender identity" within the DDL Zan and that shameful applause when it was scuttled.

Camilla Vivian, creator of "My Son in Pink", in which she recounts her experience as a mother of a transgender person, began her journey as an activist in 2016. Since then she has always clashed, like anyone who carries on this battle for rights, with a barrier of ignorance and prejudice that ends up seeming insurmountable. From the use of the right pronoun to legal recognition, from hormonal therapies to surgical transition: the vicissitudes faced by transgender people are many, painful, and unsettling.

This book wants to show a way to change things: through the extraordinary testimonies of 33 transgender people of all ages and backgrounds, it tells not only the true reality of the transgender issue in Italy, but it also presents a political and social problem that needs to be solved, so that no right is denied and we start building a better world.

Available via Amazon

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