Full title: "Hiding from Myself: My Complicated Rebirth Into Womanhood and My Own Skin" by Amber Rose Washington.
"Finally, I was revealing my true self to the world; someone I had recognized since the age of four. I confidently declared, "I'm a transgender woman-but a woman just the same."
In nearly an instant I had conquered my lifelong insecurities, fears, and demons by facing them with unapologetic authenticity. I was confidently staring down a societal construct that immersed itself in long-held sexual and gender-related mythology and ignorance. Had I finally overcome the mortal heartache of being a person who to me was anything but natural? Or was I about to be sideswiped by more adversity than I could have ever possibly imagined?
This must-read book will help extricate you from your irrational fears and help you uncover the courage and confidence hidden within you to become your best version-unapologetically you. It will help you discover a new understanding of the world, and yourself, all through the lens of one woman's rebirth into the person she was always meant to be."