""Jack and Jill" (not an easy climb) is a rich account of the lonely life of Tina Mucka. Tina was born the third SON to a French Canadian family in Keene, NH. For years Neal felt out of place in his body. He was depressed and had many learning disabilities, but most of all he was subjected to 19 electro-shock therapy treatments for depression.
As a result, he lost his memory but not of the one crucial event in his life. He didn't forget the loss of his young father and his struggle to survive a violent death. Tina, born Neal Trudelle knew his thoughts and feelings of what it was like to be born living in the wrong body. Without having a sense of humor, Neal wouldn't be alive today. He was looked upon as an outcast, especially when he was born on December 24, 1943. In those days doctors, let alone his naive parents, knew nothing about a person being born with two distinctive hormones, one male, the other being female. His male parts were very small and he started developing breasts at a young age.