"Caisie Breen started out in life as a male. In early childhood, he developed a keen taste for music, which would come to serve him later in life as a buffer against his neighborhood bullies. His adolescence was shaped by attempts to repress the feminine characteristics that so often made him a target. This struggle was further complicated when he became a political leader for the Christian Right. Much later in life, he was able to let down his defenses, allowing him to discover She."
In 2017, I interviewed Caisie and this is what she told me about what other transgender women can learn from her experience: "Read my book. There are so many things. But if I had to pick a couple, I’ll start with the, “Do I pass?” Phase.
This is especially relevant for those of us who wait until later in life to transition. When I first came out, my hair was still short and I wasn’t comfortable wearing dresses in public yet. I was more, androgynous – wearing woman’s slacks and tops.