"Memories of a Sex Change" focuses on the transition of Claudia Alejandra - one of the first transgender pioneers of the Chilean transgender community. The book was written by the protagonist Claudia Angélica Valenzuela Leiva who underwent a gender-affirming surgery on June 16, 1975 at the Portales Clinic, when she still had masculine characteristics and appeared under the name of Roberto Antonio.
We read about her childhood, fears, and concerns related to one question... was he a man or a woman? After the operation, her recollections were covered in a manuscript by Claudia herself and published by the "Aqui Esta" Publishing Company. She said: "For now, I am happy that my wishes have come true. I will perform at the "Sortilegio" nightclub and if it goes well... I can make it to Argentina." Her post-surgery awakening came after her operation: "When I was alone in the room I kept looking at the post-operative sheet that was next to my bed that said the name of the patient: Miss Claudia Valenzuela Leiva. I was so happy." The book that narrates her memories is complemented with many photos.