Original title: "Mein langer Weg zur Frau: endlich so leben, wie es meine Seele schon immer verlangte" (My Long Road to Woman: Finally living the way my soul has always demanded) by Claudia Redeker.
Since my early adolescence, I had the feeling of being different from what was expected of me. The feelings could not be suppressed. I was ashamed of it and couldn't talk about it with other people out of fear. I understood at some point that I am transgender. That is, I have always been mentally a woman imprisoned in a male body. It was already in my cradle and thus an unchangeable part of me. The suppressed feelings made me sick. At the lowest point of my life, I gave in to the desires of my soul and began my transformation into a woman.
Since then, I feel reborn and can finally be a happy and healthy person. I want to encourage people who find themselves in similar situations as mine so that they too can find their way to happiness. My book should also help to understand why there are people who stand between the sexes and how they can be shown understanding. It is certainly not an easy subject. I, therefore, try to explain the connections, terms, and technical terms as far as possible.