Original title: "Elles ... "les travestis": La verite sur les transsexuels" (They ... "the transvestites": The truth about transsexuals) by Colette Piat.
One evening, around midnight, on the edge of the Wood, Colette Piat broke down... Night beauties came to her rescue... After they left, she realized that they were not ordinary "women"... Because of this meeting, the author wanted to question the others, those who are called "transvestites". Marie-Andrée, feminized by Nazi doctors; Eva, a fifty-five-year-old worker, who has been receiving a reduced salary since her operation; Lucretia, chosen among several models for a publicity photograph of a mother; Chimène, enslaved by a companion "phallocrat"; Jeanne-Marie, seduced by the man of her dreams who turned out to be... A woman, all force us to question our ideas, demonstrating, by their very existence, the absurdity of prejudices affecting the feminine condition and homosexuality. Mutants? Afflicted women of a male sex? What is certain is that they are both sought on the sexual level and hunted by the Police, Justice, and the Administration. "You know what society means to us?" one of them asks; "It is a cage like that of Louis XI; You can't lie down, get up, or move, and yet you're alive... »