Original title: "Eva: Retrato colectivo de una transiciĆ³n" (Eva: Collective portrait of a transition) by Eva Faga.
In "Eva. Collective story of a transition" the author constructs herself, in a Transvestite Trans identity, within a real and constantly changing scenario, such as Argentina. With it, the world around us transitions, because it forces us to rethink ourselves and assume the responsibility we have in the construction of others.
Eva does not seek to move or excite, do not expect an emotional story that appeals to the poetics of words, rather one that highlights the importance of collective struggles in obtaining rights. An example of this is the Gender Identity Law.
The author emphasizes the importance of language as an essential form in the construction, not only of culture but also of identity.
It is possible to know, through her testimony, the different areas that Eva navigates, from everyday and family life, to activism and the constant fight for the defense of Human Rights.