Original title: "Gli Uni & Gli Altri: Travestiti e Travestimenti nell’Arte, nel cinema, nel teatro, nella musica, nel cabaret e nella vita quotidiana" (One & The Other. Travesti in art, in cinema, in theater, in music, in cabaret, and in everyday life) by Gillo Dorfles, Giovanni Buttagava, Gianni Romoli, Peppo Delconte, Carlo Romano.
In society "they" do not recognize
"the Others". The mask has always attenuated the contrasts and exalted the
shadow ambiguity. This collection of essays aims
to seize a particular moment of the mask, stand it out in its actuality when one becomes the other, the man a woman, the
woman a man, the man/woman the androgyne, the flower, the "difference"
on the morphological dictatorship of habits of sense and form.