Original title: "Transexualismo: Cuerpo e Identidad" (Transsexualism: Body and Identity) by Gregorio Morassutti Germán Ismael.
"This book addresses the theme of transsexualism from a comprehensive level, taking genetic, social, environmental, and psychological aspects. The objective of this study is to describe the information that deals with transsexualism, encompassing a heterogeneous view of transgenderism, transvestism, transsexualism, and hermaphroditism.
The book is organized into the following parts: practical and theoretical, your time is divided into five chapters. The first is a way of introducing the theme of sexuality and gender. The second defines theories about transsexualism. The third differentiates the transvestism, transsexualism, and hermaphroditism terms. The fourth describes different manuals with diagnostical criteria. The fifth and last provides a presentation of a clinical case with analysis."