Full title: "Transsexualism: A study of forty-three cases (Reports from the Psychiatric Research Centre, St. Jörgen's Hospital, University of Göteborg, Sweden)" by Jan Wålinder.
"As a boy he played mostly with girls; people teased him for being a sissy; he was embarrassed about his own body. At 12, he began to feel uncertain about his sex role; he felt as if he were "neutral"; after a time he began to feel as if he belonged to the opposite sex, and this feeling grew stronger shortly before he entered puberty, at which time he also began to be disgusted at the sight of his own body. At 26 he began to have periods of gradually mounting desire to cross-dress, ending in continual crossdressing for a time. He was erotically aroused by men and had a few homosexual contacts; he never showed any interest in girls. He had a weak libido, and said that he had never masturbated. He tried to conquer his anomaly by marrying, but this only made matters worse; he got frequent attacks of depression and at 26 was admitted to a psychiatric department, but after five years of supportive psychotherapy, he was no better. He wanted to have his name changed and to be operated on."