A random collection of over 1910 books and audiobooks authored by or about my transgender, intersex sisters, and gender-nonconforming persons all over the world. I read some of them, and I was inspired by some of them. I met some of the authors and heroines, some of them are my best friends, and I had the pleasure and honor of interviewing some of them. If you know of any transgender biography that I have not covered yet, please let me know.

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Showing posts with label Jerry Craig. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jerry Craig. Show all posts

Jerry Craig - The Girl Within

"This book is a small journey back to the time when it all began for me, as a transgender female M2F coming out for the first time. In this book, I try to cover areas I feel are of benefit for anyone in this journey.

I tried to include tips and tricks you can use to help you get by as you transition and to prepare you for the day you decide to share who you really are with the world around you.

This book is short but sweet. I tend to not want to bore anyone with countless words and just get down to the business at hand, and that is in helping you, whether M2F or F2M, in reaching your goals, gaining confidence whether to transition totally as I have decided to do, or just to feel good in your own skin."

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