Original title: "La Revolución de las Mariposas" (The Butterfly Revolution) by Alicia Ruiz, Las Mochas, Lucía Fuster Pravato, Marlene Wayar, Gabriela Mansilla, Karina Nazábal, Alan Otto Prieto, Sebastian Amaro, Alba Rueda, Say Sacayán, Dario Arias, Emiliano Litardo, and Paula Viturro.
"The Butterfly Revolution. Ten years after The Deed of the Proper Name. An investigation into the situation of the trans population in the City of Buenos Aires. It was developed jointly by the Gender and Sexual Diversity Program, the Divino Tesoro Foundation and the Mocha Celis Trans Popular High School. It seeks to warn about the need to continue with the design and implementation of policies that effectively contribute to the recognition of the trans community as subjects of rights."