"Living an authentic life is a gift for us all. The journey is like being re-born where one redefines themselves and must learn much all over again. It's a foreign territory for both transgender people and the general population which presents many challenges to overcome with little time given to learn. The courageous journey for self-improvement can be an inspiration for us all and goes much beyond the physical appearance."
In 2015, I interviewed Lucia and this is what she told me about the book: "When I first started writing my autobiography, I had no intention to even publish my book publicly, but it was clear that I would tell my life story. The effort proved to be therapeutic for me. At the time, my intent was to inform my immediate family, colleagues, and friends about my journey and my decision for the need to transition from a male to a female. As I started telling my story, it became apparent that I had a message for the world as well. I thought that it might be of interest for the general public to hear my message.