Original title: "Ich bin, wie Gott mich schuf: Eine Transfrau erzählt ihre Geschichte" (I Am How God Created Me: A Trans Woman Tells Her Story) by Sabine Estner and Claudia Heuermann.
"Sabine Estner lived in the body of a man and in the community of the church for 55 years, 14 of which as a monk. She felt like a girl from an early age. Her father tried to beat it out of her. Without faith, she says, she wouldn't have survived. What is it like when someone believes deeply in God and Jesus Christ, but the institution that represents them tries to erase that identity? How do you manage to withstand the massive pressure from outside and still not lose your own faith? By finding the strength to overcome church dogmas and find the God who loves you as you are.
In “My Faith Saved Me,” Sabine talks about her difficult journey as a trans person in the bosom of the church and in a society that was not (yet) willing to think beyond the male/female model."