Original title: "Un jour peut-ĂȘtre: Journal d´un champion olympique devenu femme" (One day maybe: Diary of an Olympic champion turned woman) by Sandra Forgues.
In 1996, Wilfrid Forgues was crowned Olympic Canoe Champion in Atlanta, together with his teammate Franck Adisson. 22 years later, Wilfrid has become Sandra, and it is under this new identity that she appears to the general public, especially in the media that are interested in the first French athlete Olympic champion to reveal her desire to change gender.
It took her a long time to admit that she wanted to become a woman, to accept it... and do it. A lot of time, a lot of questions, which remained unanswered for a long time. It is the story of this questioning, the diary over several months, this awareness and decision that led her to implement this change of identity, that constitutes this book, from the "favorable" opinion of a psychiatrist, to the communication with the media that announces the final decision.