Original title: "Un corazón herido cabalgando hacia el cambio" (A wounded heart riding towards change) by Sandra Pascual
The book is a true autobiography of Sandra Pascual. Sandra begins to tell us the path that made her take her life, starting from her childhood, and as a child, she moves away from what had to be a traditional childhood and already begins to flirt with the business world, in order to reach the great wound in her heart. It is at this moment, already with a wounded heart, when she enters what would be a traditional life facing society.
After a few years, Sandra is reunited with her inner self that makes her return to the before... but with a small change, the one who was initially a boy was soon going to become a girl, likewise Sandra would return to her beginnings in the business world but this time to become a successful entrepreneur.
Along the way, Sandra will encounter many experiences that will take her from one point to another, even going so far as to say hello to death.