A random collection of over 1910 books and audiobooks authored by or about my transgender, intersex sisters, and gender-nonconforming persons all over the world. I read some of them, and I was inspired by some of them. I met some of the authors and heroines, some of them are my best friends, and I had the pleasure and honor of interviewing some of them. If you know of any transgender biography that I have not covered yet, please let me know.

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Home » , , , , » Yingru Den - Nü ren meng: Zhongguo bian xing di yi ren

Yingru Den - Nü ren meng: Zhongguo bian xing di yi ren

Original title: "Nü ren meng: Zhongguo bian xing di yi ren" 女人梦: 中国变性第 (A Woman's dream: The first transgender person in China) by Yingru Den.

Zhang Kesha (张克莎), formerly known as Zhang Kesha, was born in Dalian in 1962 in a high-ranking family, and later settled in Changsha, Hunan Province with her parents. At the end of 1982, under Zhang Kesha's repeated insistence and struggle, her parents who loved their children finally acquiesced to her request for sex change.

In January of the following year, Zhang Kesha successfully underwent sex reassignment surgery at the Third Affiliated Hospital of Beijing Medical University.

In September 1, Zhang Kesha got married with Mr. Zhao. She officially settled in Hong Kong with her husband and applied for a job as a salesman at a local insurance company. During this period, Zhang Kesha worked as a model. Unfortunately, she met a fellow who knew her secret in Hong Kong, China. The fellow threatened blackmail with her secret. She still could not accept coming out. 
So in 1995, Zhang Kesha bid farewell to her husband. came to Taiwan. Because of her beautiful appearance, she found a job as a dancer and opened a Hunan restaurant.

Through the analysis of the special case of Zhang Kesha, the first Chinese transgender woman, especially her mental journey of rebelling against her own gender step by step, the book is not only a tragic story of ups and downs of dreamers, but also a rare sociological and psychological text.

Following the life of Zhang Kesha, the writer examines the tolerance and civility of society, advocates tolerance, understanding and respect, advocates a healthy state of life, and deeply calls on people to pay attention to the healthy growth of those around them, especially the next generation.

Zhang Kesha remarried and lives in Sacramento, California.

Available via m.bookschina.com
Photo via whatsonweibo.com

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