Original title: "Lou T.: Une femme transgenre du 21ème siècle" (Lou T a 21st century transgender woman) by Maëlle Marvaud.
Lou was still living with her children and their mother when she became aware of her attraction to men. Later it is her femininity that she discovers. "I'm a woman!" This revelation is for her an upheaval. She will come to change her relationships with her relatives, her friends, her lovers ...
But she will also question herself about her past. How is all this possible? Is it a fad or has it always been? How to find the traces of her femininity in her history? It is a new path that opens up to her then: that of her transition from man to woman. She enters a new universe, unknown until then, which scares her. and who attracts her. She becomes aware of the way the world looks at trans people and receives the full force of the difficulties that her new condition causes. How to draw your new life? Four years later, after finalizing her transition, Lou wonders about her path and her place in the world.