Original title: "Mein Weg zu mir: Aus dem Leben einer Transfrau" (My Way to Me: From the Life of a Trans Woman) by Patti-Saoirse Steininger.
Patti-Saoirse, YouTuber, tells her way as a trans woman, from an appointment with the therapist to gender reassignment surgery.
Patti-Saoirse (born July 28, 1996, in Cologne) is a German transgender activist and influencer. She reached the TOP40 at Miss Germany 21/22. At the age of 17, Patti-Saoirse started her YouTube channel in 2014, where she deals with trans* topics and "self-love". In addition, she started an Instagram and later a TikTok account with the same topics. She was featured in many German projects and publications: "Transgender: Pattis geschlechtsangleichende Operation" (2018), "Meine neue Vagina! – Patti nach der Transgender-OP" (2018), "Dumm gefragt" (2018), "Vagina" (2019).