A random collection of over 1910 books and audiobooks authored by or about my transgender, intersex sisters, and gender-nonconforming persons all over the world. I read some of them, and I was inspired by some of them. I met some of the authors and heroines, some of them are my best friends, and I had the pleasure and honor of interviewing some of them. If you know of any transgender biography that I have not covered yet, please let me know.

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Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts

Julie-Ann Sue Munday - Julie auf dem Besenstiel

Original title: "Julie auf dem Besenstiel: Gottes Schöfungsunordnung" (Julie on the broomstick: God's disorder of creation) by Julie-Ann Sue Munday.

"Suicide? How can someone who believes in God have suicidal thoughts? How can a child want to jump headlong from a tree? How can someone like that still make it into Lufthansa's management? Gender dysphoria! What is that? If the anatomy does not fit the soul!

Julie Munday, loved by her parents, basically had a carefree childhood. However, due to a birth defect and growing up in a sect, she was forced to live a life and a way of thinking that others dictated to her and that gradually broke her. Despite everything, she was successful, traveled all over the world and was exceptionally athletic.

Daniel Inäbnit - Angebliche Huren: Prostitutionskoketterie...

Original title: "Angebliche Huren: Prostitutionskoketterie in zeitgenössischen Drag-Performances" (Alleged whores: Prostitution Coquetry in Contemporary Drag Performances) by Daniel Inäbnit.

In many contemporary drag performances, an extremely subversive, sex-positive, but also euphemistic handling of vestimentary and linguistic signs that move in the field of associations of prostitution is striking. The study explores the question of how and why drag performers often make references to sex work in this way and stage them accordingly. Linked to this is the question of how drag performances can currently be defined at all and which established theatre science concepts can prove productive for such a description.

Raimund Wolfert - Charlotte Charlaque: Transfrau...

Original title: "Charlotte Charlaque. Transfrau, Laienschauspielerin. Königin der Brooklyn Heights Promenade" (Charlotte Charlaque: Trans woman, amateur actress. Queen of Brooklyn Heights Promenade) by Raimund Wolfert.

The life of the German-American Charlotte Charlaque (1892–1963) crosses the Atlantic several times – from Schönberg to Berlin, San Francisco and Prague to New York. As a Jew, Charlaque left Nazi Germany in 1934. Eight years later, she made the life-saving "leap" to the USA. In New York, she became a dazzling celebrity as the uncrowned queen of the Brooklyn Heights waterfront. She now liked to call herself Charlotte von Curtius. But what not even her closest friends knew was that her new surname was an allusion to her old birth name. Because when Charlotte Charlaque was born, her parents assumed she was a boy and gave her the name Curt ...  And she was not the only one.

Gloria Gray - Mit allem, was ich bin: Mein Leben

Original title: "Mit allem, was ich bin: Mein Leben" (With Everything I Am: My Life)

'Born as a man, a star as a woman: the most candid autobiography of the year. Already at the age of five, Gloria Gray knew that she was born in the wrong body. 

In her autobiography, she sensitively and disarmingly candidly describes her path from the little boy who was teased and humiliated to the successful artist and mysterious entertainer of show business.

She relied entirely on her inner knowledge and, through various operations and hormone treatments, also externally became the woman she has always been inside.'

Renate Anders - Grenzübertritt: Eine Suche nach...

Original title: "Grenzübertritt: Eine Suche nach geschlechtlicher Identität" (Crossing Borders: A Search for Gender Identity) by Renate Anders.

This sensitive and accurate account gives an account of the life of a young person who comes into conflict with her biologically masculine identity at an early age. She describes in detail the desperate attempts to adapt, to submit to the gender role imposed on her, her failure, and the radical step into a new identity as a woman. 

Again and again, the understanding of roles and the norms of the sexes are reflected, and the subjective experience takes a position on the socialization and self-understanding of both men and women. After all, it is a matter of countering society's demands against the individual with the right of the individual to self-determination.

Katrin Lindemann - Der Fluch

Original title: "Der Fluch: Mein Leben mit der Transsexualität. Ein Report von Jenseits der Straße." (The curse: My life with transsexuality. A report from Jenseits der Straße)

"Katrin Lindemann is very lady: the hairstyle fits, a strong red adorns the full lips, the eye shadow emphasizes the dark eyes, the yellow top contrasts with the black hair. Only the slightly deeper voice and the firm pressure of the strong hands give an idea of what the dark-haired woman has complained about throughout her life: Katrin Lindemann is transsexual, she was a man – before.

Bad Schwartau – After a long period of suffering, the 54-year-old has finally mastered the sex change that she prefers to call reassignment – from man to woman, as she has always felt. In a process lasting many years, which was very difficult and painful for her, her wish came true: the boy Reiner Lindemann, born in 1948 in Frankfurt/Oder, who was married twice and fathered two children with his wives, finally became Katrin. The individual that she always wanted to be, »that I had to be«, as Katrin asserts."

Katrin Lindemann - Fluch der Geburt

Original title: "Fluch der Geburt: Mein Leben mit der Transsexualität" (Curse of birth - My life with transsexuality) by Katrin Lindemann.

On August 9, 2002, Katrin Lindemann began to write down her story, her life. A life with ups and downs. A life in which the intolerance of many people became a constant companion, but also a life that Katrin Lindemann didn't let get down.

Born Reiner Lindemann in 1948, she felt "something was wrong" early on, but there was still a long way to go before she finally changed her gender in 1992. This autobiography describes what often seemed like a "curse of birth". Without writing in a gimmicky or striking way, she tells of her life with transsexuality and thus provides deep insight, not only into her thoughts but also into our society.

Michelle Engelke - 45 Jahre im falschen Körper leben

Original title: "45 Jahre im falschen Körper leben" (Living in the wrong body for 45 years)

'This book shows the often arduous path of a person who eventually realizes that she was born into the wrong body. Although she is tormented by self-doubt and encounters hostility and incomprehension from her own family and the environment, the author persistently pursues her goal: being diagnosed as a transgender woman and the man-to-woman transition.

She would like to encourage all interested parties to deal with the topic and, if necessary, to go this way, as it is worthwhile to comprehend it even with the greatest difficulty.'

Jean Lessenich - Die transzendierte Frau

Original title: "Die transzendierte Frau: Eine Autobiografie" (The Transcended Woman: An Autobiography)

'I'm sixty-seven and staring in the mirror. Thence reality stares back at me. I am Transsexual. I was born as a male and now live my life as something else. Forty years ago I underwent an operation in Casablanca, which consisted of making my male body a female one – and made me from a heterosexual man into a lesbian woman.

Out of love, Jean Lessenich decided twelve years after her sex change, to live as a man again. This seemed to her to be the only way to give her Japanese partner permanent residence in Germany. Today fifteen years after her death, she lives again as a lesbian wife. 

Beyond all clichés, this autobiography shows us that life as a transsexual is not a Hollywood movie. It does not promise women's happiness after appropriate surgery, but shows, that it is worthwhile to go your own way.'

Patti-Saoirse Steininger - Mein Weg zu mir

Original title: "Mein Weg zu mir: Aus dem Leben einer Transfrau" (My Way to Me: From the Life of a Trans Woman) by Patti-Saoirse Steininger.

Patti-Saoirse, YouTuber, tells her way as a trans woman, from an appointment with the therapist to gender reassignment surgery.

Patti-Saoirse (born July 28, 1996, in Cologne) is a German transgender activist and influencer. She reached the TOP40 at Miss Germany 21/22. At the age of 17, Patti-Saoirse started her YouTube channel in 2014, where she deals with trans* topics and "self-love". In addition, she started an Instagram and later a TikTok account with the same topics. She was featured in many German projects and publications: "Transgender: Pattis geschlechtsangleichende Operation" (2018), "Meine neue Vagina! – Patti nach der Transgender-OP" (2018), "Dumm gefragt" (2018), "Vagina" (2019).

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