Original title: "Pedagogia da Desobediência: Travestilizando a Educação" (Pedagogy of Disobedience: Transvestilizing Education) by Tiffany Odara.
"The book Pedagogy of Disobedience: Travestilizing Education by researcher, pedagogue and Iyálorixá Thiffany Odara tells about the production of transvestite knowledge in the city of Salvador. Weaving together the histories of the trans movement with the theoretical dialogues of black feminism, Thiffany proposes to travestylize education as a way of building spaces of knowledge that are for all people. A transgressive pedagogy that speaks of claims and access, especially of trans people, to the condition of humanity. A publication that opens the way for other pedagogies and incites the disobedience of the CIStema. Thais Faria Castro (Editor)"